Tuesday, May 14, 2013

22 weeks!! :)

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Maternity clothes? As of my last dr apt I have gained a total of 6 lbs! I look like I've gained a lot more than that tho!
Stretch marks? Unfortunately :(
Sleep: Starting to feel a little more energized...still need naps.  Still wish I could sleep on my stomach as normal!
Best moment this week:  Spent mother's day with my family & went to watch my sister at her dance competition here in Murfreesboro. & my hubby got me a collectible of an expectant mother for my first mother's day :)
Miss Anything? Honestly...I'd love an ice cold beer!!...STILL! & I miss sleeping on my stomach!  & I miss the foods I normally love!
Movement: Yep yep!
Food cravings: Took control of the sweet cravings!  Now, I just enjoy what I can actually ENJOY.  What I mean by this...I can finally hold food down, but nothing tastes that great.  Except...cereal & chicken salad & baked potatoes!  Aside from food...I crave Dr. Pepper like it ain't no one's business!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not crazy about meat but I can hold it down better now.  I can't eat green beans :(
Gender prediction: It's a BOY!!!!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? OFF...I can still get them on but my hands are so swollen they make indents not long after putting them on and make my hands hurt worse.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Now that I'm done working...I'm in a much more relaxed mood!  Less irritable & more laid back as I normally am!
Looking forward to: Getting the pool completely ready for swimming, going to Alabama, baby shower in Indiana in a couple of weeks, & my next dr appt!


For 2 weekends in a row, I went to my mamas house in Indiana.  My cousin Kayla was having her bridal shower one weekend & my sister had prom the next.  While I was up there I talked to my brother & sister....

They are going to be the godparents!!  So, auntie Kait & uncle Shawn will be godmother & godfather :)

They also both want to be in the room when my son is born!

We also planned when the baby shower will be & it's gonna be June 1 at aunt Penny & uncle Gary's in the new barn!  I'm so excited!!

I'm also looking more & more pregnant!  My face & nose has doubled in size!

But...I've only gained 6 lbs!!

The Big Reveal!!

We shall call him...
Wyatt Lane

What People are Saying :)

So before we found out what we are having, I took a poll to see what everyone had to say.  Here is what we came up with (04/03/13):

Mama (my mama)
Aunt Penny
Sheila Poppell
Mindy Thurston
Kaitlyn Jane
Regina Carden
Elaine Wang (work)
Jessica Carden
Kristina Crow
Amy Morning
Jeremy Honeycutt
Becky Cass
Judy Seabolt
Pat Hamilton (work)
Lee Manis
Donna Newman
Harley Adams
Larry Eugene
Jessica Bragg
Merilyn Colwell (work)
Susan Taylor (work)
Angela Roberts (work)
Shawn Douglas
Megan Barbarino
Ami Honeycutt
Autumn Luncford
Mike (Daddy)
I personally have been off & on about what I am having.  To begin with, I was completely convinced I am having a boy.  Then...within a couple of weeks I transitioned to thinking I am having a girl.  I'd been stuck on girl ever since.  The reasons why:
Heart Rate > 140
Face breaking out!
Meat Aversions
Sweet tooth
No salt
99% of Mike's family is girls!
But...I'm carrying low, which is supposed to be a sign of a boy! 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

16 weeks...

So, this has turned out to be the hardest week thus far for me & my pregnancy.  I started feeling awful & went to the doctor...tested positive for the FLU! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I'm starting to feel better now but not 100%.  I did schedule the ultrasound for April 4, Thursday, to find out what we are having!  I am so friggin excited!! Regardless if it's a "lil miss Juliet" or "redneck Romeo" I will be completely thrilled!! & I just ordered a fetal Doppler! Now, I can listen to my lil jellybean's heartbeat any time I want!! <3

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jellybean gettin so big!! <3

Getting SOOOO big!  I love watching the movements while doing an ultrasound!
Wouldn't put the hands down when trying to take a pic!

Can see the face forming!  I cannot wait to see my precious child!

14 weeks :)

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Maternity clothes? Have lost a total of 6 lbs!  But yet I look like I'm blowin up like a balloon!
Stretch marks? No new ones!
Sleep: Starting to feel a little more energized...still need naps & if I don't then I'm in bed first thing!
Best moment this week: Realized in only 6 more weeks I will be halfway through my pregnancy!
Miss Anything? Honestly...I'd love an ice cold beer!!...STILL!
Movement: Not yet...but hopefully soon!
Food cravings: Still on the cinnamon sugar kick but controlling it & I'm lovin me some fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still the meat aversions (sight, smell, & taste) & I can smell everything!  For someone who loves sea food, the smell of fish will send me runnin!
Gender prediction: I'm still thinkin I got a lil miss juliet <3
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired & a little less irritable...though my tolerance for stupidity has not changed so irritability comes easy at times LOL
Looking forward to: Going to register next weekend!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Buh Bye First Trimester!

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Maternity clothes?  Quit losing, but ain't gained none either...love my comfy pants!
Stretch marks? Nothin new...same 2 - right on my stomach where I'm growin
Sleep: I am constantly tired! If I don't get a nap or go to bed early I ain't gonna make it!
Best moment this week: I wish I had a best moment this week but it's been a hard week :(
Miss Anything? Bein a kid :-P
Movement: Not yet...but hopefully soon!
Food cravings: CINNAMON & SUGAR!!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same...Lookin at certain foods is enough to make me sick & I still have major aversions to meat too!
Have you started to show yet: Ummm...oh ya!
Gender prediction: Still thinkin I got my lil miss juliet instead of my redneck romeo <3
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week...moody.
Looking forward to: Stress free house & my appointment on Tuesday! Doin the testing for the end of first trimester & ultrasound! My nana's goin with me too!
Pre-baby Bucket List
**Take a vacation...honeymoon I never had**
**Spend a weekend with just my sister & brother**
**Spend a weekend with my family (family vacation)**
**Get a good camera**
**Graduate with my bachelors (will be completed in May!)**
**Build up savings**
**Refinance my car & trade it in for a more family friendly one**
**Pay off all debt (not including student loans cuz lets face it, that'll take forever)**
**Clean out the spare room & make it a guest room (if you've seen it you'd understand!)**
**Get pregnancy photos taken**
**Set up the nursery**

1 Down :)

Welp, yesterday marked the official end of my first trimester! :)
I'm so thankful & blessed to have a healthy baby still growing inside of me! :)
It has now become harder to get comfortable to sleep, especially considering the fact I am a stomach sleeper!
I'm looking forward to finding out the gender!  I'm happy with a boy or girl, but my impatience gets the better of me & I want to know! 
I'm excited to begin my second trimester & all that lies ahead!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Old Wives Tales

So...I'm a very impatient person!  I am anxious to know the gender!  That being said, I know old wives tales realistically only have a 50/50 chance of being right, but...just for shits & giggles lets see what they say...

Mayan Table:
Month conceived: Age-Month Conceived
24-12 (December) = 12
Even # = BOY
Gypsy Formula:
Mom's age + Month Conceived
24 + 12 = 36
Even # = BOY
Chinese Chart:
Lunar month 11 & age 25 = BOY
>140 = BOY
<140 = GIRL
Jellybean's heartrate = 182 = GIRL
Mathmatical Equation:
Mom's age + Mom's birth month + Month of conception (add each number seperately)
24 + 5 + 12 = 2 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 14 = Even # = GIRL


Be positive
Be kind
Be happy
Be courteous
See the beauty
Have faith
Be yourself
Stand your ground
Take a look around
Be versatile
Choose friends wisely
Stand up for what you believe in
Change your mind...& change it again
Live for the moment
Help others
Close your mouth & open your ears
Find your passion & live it
Face your fears
Have an open mind
Put family first
Listen to the music
Disappoint anyone, disappoint everyone...but NEVER disappoint yourself!

What I think Jellybean will be like...

Honest to a fault
Blunt & outspoken
Tough skin
Beautiful/handsome without knowledge
Southern values
Clean up good but not afraid to get dirty
Believer in God
Strong willed
Alabama fan :)

Baby Names

Addison "Addie"
(Michael says "NO" to every name except Brooklynn, Addison, Rayna, Lucas, & Wyatt)...we'll see....

The Specifics :)

Fav colors: teal/turquois & crimson
Fav food: jumbalaya! (uncle larrys!!)
Fav music: almost anything
Things I've always wanted to do: travel the world, hot air balloon ride, see the 7 wonders
Fav prayer: Serenity prayer
I love animals
I love the water & outdoors
I believe in God & miracles
I believe music is putting into words what one cannot
Fav color: blue
Fav food: gravy biscuit
Fav music: 80s
Fav team: Kentucky Wildcats (basketball)
Thing he's always wanted to do: be a basketball player

This is who I am :)

Amber Aleze Ells Robbins
 DOB: 05/27/88
 Born: Panama City Beach, FL
 Raised: Sylacauga, AL
 Mother: Misty Lynn Foster Bragg
 Father (sperm donor): Jonothan Chester Ells
 Nana: Pamela Aleze Pierson
 Grandpa: Larry Eugene Foster
 Aunt: Penny Conway
 Uncles: Larry Foster & Gary Conway
 1/2 Sister: Kaitlyn Jane Ewing
 1/2 Brother: Shawn Douglas Ewing
 1/2 Sister (Jon's daughter): Paige Ells
 1/2 Brother (Jon's son): Hunter Ells
 Cousins: Kayla & Chris VanDuyne
Michael Wayne Robbins
 DOB: 03/21/72
 Born: Fort Wayne, IN
 Raised: Middlesboro, KY
 Mother: Reeda Delores Robbins
 Father: Eddie Wayne Robbins
Son: Dalton Michael Robbins
Daughter: Summer Rachelle Robbins
 Grandmother: Helen Meredith
 Grandfather: Reed Meredith
 Grandmother: Ruby Robbins
 Grandfather: Lee Robbins
 Sister: Ruby "Michelle" Robbins
 Aunts: Anne, Louise, Christine, Mary Anne, Faye, Linda, Judy, Clora, Joyce, Marty


Cravings :)

So...I have had absolutely no cravings up til this point.  I've actually had major food aversions, especially to meat.  I also was getting sick nearly every day, especially after trying to eat an actual meal.  & brushing my teeth is a daily challenge cuz it makes me throw up every time!  But...I have discovered my first craving & I enjoy every bite!....cinnamon & sugar! Doughnuts, cereal, bagels, muffin mixes, coffee cake! I'm trying to stay on the healthy side though so I'm sticking to appropriate servings.  My favorite meal for supper has most definitely got to be a bowl of Cinnamon Roll Crunch or Cinnamon Toast Crunch!  At this point, it don't get much better than that!! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Due Date: September 14, 2013
My little jellybean has my heart!! <3

First ultrasound & could only see the sac where my lil bean will grow!

Second ultrasound....a little bit bigger...Michael says "looks like a bunny"

Third ultrasound...jellybean has gotten much bigger!  You can see where the face is forming! 

Jellybean @ 11 wks

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Maternity clothes?  Lost 4 lbs...none of my pants fits though...had to buy 2 pairs of maternity pants!
Stretch marks? 2 - right on my stomach where I'm growin
Sleep: I am constantly tired! If I don't get a nap or go to bed early I ain't gonna make it!
Best moment this week: Heard the baby's heart beat...Heart rate was a strong 182!
Miss Anything? Honestly...I'd love an ice cold beer!!
Movement: Not yet...but hopefully soon!
Food cravings: No cravings quite yet...more food aversions than anything!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Looking at certain foods is enough to make me sick!  I have major aversions to meat too!
Have you started to show yet: Ummm...oh ya!
Gender prediction: With the heart rate as high as it is, face breaking out, and meat aversions...I'm goin with a girl.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired!...and it depends on my surrounding and then I'm moody
Looking forward to: My weekend off to sleep.


January 7, 2013

Aunt Penny's birthday
BCS Championship- Alabama vs Notre Dame - Alabama won...again!

It's a great day!

I had been feeling sick for a couple of weeks and had got to the point I couldn't eat for 3 days straight.  Michael had to work that night, so I stopped on my lunch break and purchased a pregnancy test.  I did not tell him or anyone else.  As soon as I got home I went and took the test.  However...I KNEW it was going to say "negative" because just 2 weeks prior I had been told that I would need to go through fertility treatments to get pregnant.  My progresterone level was as low as a person after menopause!!  And after having an ultrasound done, they said my ovaries were not releasing the eggs, so I do not ovulate.  Well...proved them wrong...the test came back POSITIVE!!  I was so excited and in disbelief I had to tell!  I told my aunt when I called to tell her happy birthday, I sent my mama a test with the pic of the test while she was at work, I called and told my brother and sister together on the phone.  Michael got off work the next morning so I laid out the test and an Alabama baby outfit to tell him.  I video taped him, though his reaction about got a boot thrown at him LOL.  He was happy...just didn't believe me at first...which ain't that surprising because I did not believe it either at first!

Next, we needed to tell my Nana and uncle Larry.  I invited them over for supper and gave them cards to announce it!  I also got that on video!

Move to the South

Beginning the next chapter of our life, we packed up and moved to Tennessee.  After staying with family briefly, we found our new home in LaVergne, TN.  Though this is not our final settling point, it is a start.  I painted the house and had it unpacked within 2 days of moving in.  Even got Michael to help with painting one of the bathrooms :-P

And my favorite project of all.....the family tree.....

The Story of Us

My life has always been in Alabama, but there was a short period where I moved to Indiana to be close to family.  I went to work at Pilkington, the family trade lol.  Taking so much after my mother I had to switch to night shift so I could make it to work on time.  Little did I know that when I did...my new coordinator, Michael Robbins, would be my future husband.  As a "hot date" he took me to Golden Corral and wouldn't go away after that!  This was the last week of November.  For New Years he took me to Gatlinburg for the first time.  We didn't do much but the scenery and escape from reality was great.

Come February 21st...Michael proposed & I said yes!

We got married July 1, 2012 at Indiana Downs Horsetrack.  It wasn't my dream wedding but it turned out fantastic!  The reception was priceless!  It was wonderful to have time with family and some of my closest friends!  Especially for those who came from out of town for my big day!

Michael even did a "strip tease" dance to be like "Magic Mike"...to "Put the X in Sex" by KISS!  Took the garter off with his teeth too!  Made my uncle Gary yell "You're making me horny!" BAHAHAHA